Thursday, August 20, 2009


Well here I go. I got a job less than two weeks after moving to Denver. Some of those back in South Bend didn't think I'd make it here and I'd be back to South Bend, I THINK NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! The job I got is once again a bus driver but it is with a company I can only hope is not as stupid as Transpo was and still is.
Physically I can only say that I'm still not feeling very well, but that will come in due time I'm sure. I'm really having a lot of problems with my legs hurting, but I think it's because I have been doing a lot of walking which I didn't do back in sb.
I'm hoping that the friends I prayed about will come around now that I have a job. I just want to find people to hang out with, maybe even a biker buddy. FUN FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm thinking about going to Estes Park next Monday and Tuesday for a overnighter. It just depends on the weather. The weather channel is saying it may rain. The weather out here is goofy so I'll just wait until Saturday to decide. Estes Park in at the base of the Rocky Mountains and absolutely beautiful. Just have to wait and see.
Borus went to his first kennel stay out here. He did good. Got some of that built up energy out of him. It's a nice place and they said he did real good.
OK. Well, I'll close for know. Next entry. Either after Estes Park or my first day of work!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

New Start

Well, I really decided on the biggy this time. I'm almost 55 years old and decided that it was time to make a move. What kind of move you ask? It was the big one. I left my job of 4 years, moved from the town I've lived in for the past forever, and moved to Denver Colorado. WOW!!!!!!!!! Crazy you say? Wayout there you might think? Yah that's it in a nut shell. I had had it with my job, my life in South Bend couldn't have been more unlife like and my health was taking the shits.

So here I am. In Denver, Colorado. Beautiful mountains, clean air and NO HUMIDITY!!!!!!!!!!! Now you might ask, do I have a job? Do I have a place to live? Is there anyone out here I know? Well to the first question, no. The others, yes. I have already started to apply for jobs but more than that I looked into going back to school so I don't kill myself driving a bus. I want to get my degree in medical billing and coding. I have some credits in the field, but am waiting to see if they transfer to the school I'm looking at. I'm also looking into to taking tai chai classes for the stiffness I suffer from and then I also want to look into going back to church too.

Lots going on and just have to keep going and not let little things discourage me. Hey, I even took my first motorcycle ride up into the foothills the other day. GO MOTORCYCLE MOMMA!!!

I'll keep you, whoever may read this, informed of my progress. I plan for it to be GOOD!!!!!!